Given two tables, A and B, inner join between A and B return a list of rows that satisfy the "ON" clause.

INNER JOIN is both commutative and associative. (This is not true for other types of joins.)
Example of commutativity: (a INNER JOIN b) = (b INNER JOIN a)
Example of associativity: ((a INNER JOIN b) INNER JOIN c) = (a INNER JOIN (b INNER JOIN c))


            SELECT a.columnX, b.columnY
            FROM TableA a
            INNER JOIN TableB b
            ON a.columnZ = b.columnT

Example: Suppose we have a table called Employees (with columns EmployeeId and Name) and a table called Tasks (with columns TaskId, EmployeeId, and Name). We want to join Employees with Tasks so that all employees who have tasks and all tasks that are assigned to an employee are included.

Table: Employees

EmployeeId Name
1 Alice
2 Bob
3 Carol

Table: Tasks

TaskId EmployeeId Name
101 1 Task A
102 2 Task B
103 4 Task C

SELECT e.Name, t.Name
FROM Employees e
JOIN Tasks t
ON e.EmployeeId = t.EmployeeId

Result of INNER JOIN:

EmployeeName TaskName
Alice Task A
Bob Task B

If using LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN we will have result table with 3 rows. Using FULL JOIN will have table with 4 rows. Only INNER JOIN will result 2 rows table.